Russia-Ukraine War Creating a Divide Among GOP

Rob Portman / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 22, 2015 / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Russia-Ukraine war continues to affect people’s lives. Uncertainty increases as the war progresses. We’ve seen:

The war is not just affecting Russia and Ukraine; but also affecting America. Now we’re seeing how Biden is afraid of offending Putin. The invasion also pressured our demo-rat president to return the nuclear deal from Iran that Obama started… wherein Putin himself is involved.

Unfortunately, the liberals aren’t the only ones affected by the invasion. Europe’s most significant foreign policy crisis is changing the Republican Party as well. The Russian-Ukraine conflict is now separating GOP traditionalists from newcomers…

GOP Traditionalists Want to Focus On Helping Ukraine

Senator Rob Portman from Ohio scrutinized Putin’s actions as a “clear violation of international law.”

Portman believes that it’s best for America to help Ukraine in the war. He wrote in a statement, “I support the imposition of sanctions on Russia and urge the Biden administration to work with allies… to ensure a coordinated response to this unwarranted continued incursion on the sovereign territory of Ukraine.”

The Senator is also leading a group of several GOP senators this March, calling for the administration to help provide fighter jets to Ukraine.

He said during an interview, “We need to be more creative and quick in providing the Ukrainians what they need. This does mean anti-aircraft weapons, this does mean planes, this does mean drones.”

Then he added, “The fight for freedom is being waged right now in Ukraine. In many respects, it’s our fight.”

GOP Newcomers Want to Focus On Solving America’s Problems

On the other hand, a Republican running to replace Portman has a different take on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Ohio State Senate candidate JD Vance has been vocal lately, especially about his disinterest in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He says it’s pulling focus from issues he feels are more important, including inflation, censorship, and immigration.

Vance shared his thoughts during an interview on Fox. He first clarified that he doesn’t agree with what Putin is doing. He said, “I’m under no illusions that Putin is a nice guy. I don’t think he is a nice guy.”

He emphasized that it’s more important to focus on our country’s own problems first. Vance said, “But at the end of the day, what’s happening on our border is so much more important than what’s happening 6000 miles away.“

Then he added, “I think our leaders have to accept that we can’t police every single border all across the world, especially when we can’t control our own situation in this country.”

We can see that Vance does have a point. Our leaders should prioritize protecting our own shores first. But then, we should also be there to assist in the protection of our allies. It’s just as important to support a brother in need.

The divide happening in the Republican Party is not what our patriots want right now. Let’s just hope that our leaders will at least settle their differences and work together for a common goal moving forward…

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